Red-baiting’ mailers accuse candidate of communist ties
The image in Steel’s campaign flier was doctored
This is the first I’ve seen with Asian American candidates trading these barbs.
Michelle Steel sends out fliers falsely depicting Democratic rival
Group withdrawals endorsement of Michelle Steel over anti-Asian attacks
MAGA Party Puppet Michelle never supports women. She voted AGAINST the Women’s Health Protection Act; the Violence Against Women Act, and the Equality Act. And she signed the brief urging the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade— which states that life begins at conception and there is no point at which an abortion should be allowed, for any reason. Even extreme deformity of a fetus cannot be considered.
Time after time Michelle Steel said she should fight to restore the S.A.L.T. (State and Local Tax) deduction, which hurt many Californians when Trump took it away in his revised 2017 tax law, to punish the "blue" states that have higher state income and property taxes.
Michelle made the promise over,
and over,
and over again.
Then she actually voted against the House bill that would have raised the limit on S.A.L.T. deductions.
When local businesses were really hurting from COVID, Michelle voted against every bill designed to help them. She votes with her party, not her head or her heart.
What’s the most basic thing a Member of Congress is supposed to do? VOTE on legislation! But according to the Congressional Record, Rep. Michelle Steel has MISSED MORE VOTES than any other Representative in Orange County! Wonder why…. It certainly wasn’t because she was back here spending time with her constituents — she has held fewer public town hall meetings than any other OC Representative. Maybe she just doesn’t like Washington, DC. We probably shouldn’t send her back there again!
Oil spills? Michelle says it’s worth it. “We must support a free-market approach to keep energy prices from skyrocketing and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.” Same old Michelle — puppet for the party line.
Michelle Steel added Tri Ta, the Mayor of Westminster, to the payroll of her congressional staff in Feb 2021 — so when Michelle announced his endorsement of her for the new Congressional District CA-45, in February of this year, the Mayor had been on her payroll for a year. Yet neither of them acknowledged that obvious conflict of interest. In fact, Mayor Ta is now paid more by Michelle than he makes as Mayor of Westminster -- a serious breach of ethics for both of them!
Once again we see that party puppet Michelle Steel doesn't care about what her constituents want. Even though polls show OC residents favor pro-choice over anti-abortion laws by 60-70%, she signed an amicus brief pleading for the Supreme Court to approve the Mississippi abortion law -- overturning Roe v Wade.
When's the last time you were invited to a Town Hall Meeting with Michelle Steel? If we're talking about actually meeting her in person, in public, it's not likely. Michelle doesn't like meeting with the public and she DOESN'T like taking questions. She only has "telephone town halls" where she knows which callers to allow to speak, and then she announces a huge number of participants -- but the callers can be from anywhere!
Although the noise of jets taking off at John Wayne Airport has been a problem for decades, the Board of Supervisors quietly entered into talks with corporations that provide private charter-jet services -- while taking in substantial campaign donations from them and their associates. These jets are now allowed to operate under the rules for General Aviation. No matter how her residents protested, their complaints fell on deaf ears.
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